Concerns you might have when selling your property - and how to overcome them
May 2024

Concerns you might have when selling your property - and how to overcome them

Are you thinking about selling your property, but worried about the strain and inconvenience that might come with ‘going to market’? It’s not uncommon to feel that way - especially since moving house is meant to be up there with one of the most stressful things we can do in our lifetime.

But it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a few of the most common concerns people have about deciding to move, and how to alleviate those fears.

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Preparing to go to market

Selling your home can take up a lot of time, before you even get to the part of putting up the ‘for sale’ sign! There’s tidying up all those things you’ve been happy to live with (but might put buyers off) as well as spending money to upgrade or refresh anything that is a bit tired so you can get a good selling price.

It may seem easier to put it in the ‘too hard’ basket, rather than find the time and energy to get these things sorted out. Which is fine. But then you’ll never get to move? And that’s what you need to focus on.

Whatever your reason for selling, you need to plan for that next stage, and if possible - get excited for it. And instead of just panicking about all the things you need to get sorted, write a list and make a plan to work through it in a way that is manageable. You might find that it isn’t as bad as you thought it would be if you break it into smaller pieces.

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Choosing the right real estate agent

Whether you’ve had a bad experience with an agent, or it’s been a long time since you’ve had to engage the services of one, deciding on the right one to sell your home can certainly come with a lot of pressure. Especially when there are so many to choose from and you know that the success of the sale can come down to who you sign with!

But there’s plenty you can do to help with making a decision you feel confident with. From asking around for recommendations, to making a shortlist, comparing agents and requesting referrals and testimonials - check out our guide to choosing a real estate agent to sell your property.

Getting the right price

Finding the sweet spot for a sales price can be difficult. You don’t want to sell your home for less than what it’s worth, but it’s also just as important to not put too high of a price on it in case it puts people off. What if you’ve missed the right time in the market for getting a good return? And then there’s the negotiating - imagine if you say no to an offer that ends up being the only one you get for months.

Sure, there’s plenty to be concerned about when it comes to getting the right price. But there’s also an incredible amount of data available that can be used to very accurately determine what your property could be worth.

And when you’re working with an experienced local agent, they are always there to guide you on what the best decision may look like. In other words, you’re never left in isolation when it’s time to accept (or turn down) an offer.  

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Finding your next home

While you’re selling, you also need to think about buying a new home, and there’s no doubt that can be rather stressful. What happens if you find something you love, but your house isn’t sold yet? Or perhaps more concerning, your property sells but you can't find anything to buy - and now you’re left in limbo with a moving date looming.

It’s a juggle that many homeowners find themselves in when their house is on the market, but a majority of the time, it works out. And it’s also another good reason to work closely with your real estate agent, who is a part of this process on a daily basis with their vendors.

Have a list of your must-haves, as well as things you’re willing to compromise on, and keep in close contact with your mortgage broker to have your finances in check. Then when the right opportunity arises, you’re able to act.

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Overwhelmed by the process

From having to be prepared for buyers viewing your home, to choosing a sales method, waiting for ‘the call’, and feeling like you have very little control over what will happen next, it’s easy to find the process of selling rather overwhelming. Not to mention all the possible things that could go wrong!

This is where working with the right real estate agent can help. It is their role to guide you on every step of the journey, and always keep you updated and informed with what will come next. They will also likely have plenty of tips and tricks for making the process a lot less stressful to deal with, so make sure you share all your concerns with them so they can put your mind at ease.

No one is interested in buying

Perhaps one of the most worrying parts of selling your home is ‘what happens if there are no offers?’ And of course, this is something that does occur. But with the right sales and marketing strategy in place, the chance of this affecting your property are very minimal.

Let your agent guide you through the selling process and allow them to provide you with what’s needed to get your house sold for a great price - things such as pricing accurately for your type of property, location and current market conditions, making sure your home is in tip top shape to impress buyers and setting realistic time frames for getting a sale.

 The time it takes to move

After making it through the house selling process, the thought of packing and moving in an already busy life may feel like too much. And sure, it takes a lot of time and energy to do this!

But by getting prepared and organised from day one, it can make things a lot easier to manage in the lead up to the moving trucks arriving. This could be starting your decluttering and ‘packing’ before you even go to market (as this also helps with de-personalising your home for potential buyers).

Sort tasks into lists of priority (pre sale, during sale and post sale), and do what you can to cross off a few each week. This will minimise having to allocate a large amount of time to shifting once your property is sold, because you’ll be well on your way to being ready.

After 170 years in business, PGG Wrightson Real Estate has learnt a thing or two about how to help homeowners sell properties across New Zealand.

With offices located right around the country, we’ll always have a friendly, knowledgeable and experienced agent who can help you with everything you need to know - from a plan of action to get your current property sold, to putting you in touch with the right people in the region you’re interested in moving to.

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