Is the growing trend of moving to a lifestyle block for you?
March 2023

Is the growing trend of moving to a lifestyle block for you?

From fresh country air, to peace and quiet, faraway neighbours and space for animals (and the kids) to roam, lifestyle living sounds idyllic.

But for most, it hasn’t always been that practical. We all have to work, and big cities tend to provide most of the jobs and opportunities.  
However a few things have happened in recent years to change things up. One has been the availability of Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) - which means more people can work remotely. And number two, the Covid-19 pandemic. This certainly resulted in a shift of people’s priorities, as well as a greater allowance from employers and businesses for their employees to work from home (WFH) where possible, to reduce their own overheads and ensure they remain attractive in a competitive job marketplace.      
So while the move to lifestyle properties has been trending for the last five to ten years, the dream (and reality) of buying a lifestyle block is certainly knocking on plenty of front doors here in 2023.  
More land for less  
With prices for property skyrocketing in most urban cities across New Zealand and pushing plenty of people out of the market, venturing further from a main centre is often a pleasant surprise. Your money has the potential to get you a block of land that wouldn’t be possible in a city suburb and a house to go with it (unless you want to build new).   
Having more land opens up a whole new world of opportunities, from embarking on hobby farming to simply enjoying the great outdoors.  
Get the best of both worlds 
On a lifestyle block you may feel distanced from your neighbours, but in smaller settlements the community spirit is usually stronger, where everyone knows each other and people are happy to lend a hand. You might find you feel more welcome in a lifestyle community than you do in a street in the city or town. 
And for those who lead a busy working life, a lifestyle property not too far from town can provide a reprieve from a hectic week. You’re close enough to have all the amenities if you need them, but can also choose to spend your time away from it too.     
Adopting a new way of life 
There’s no question that moving to a lifestyle block will provide you with a new way of living.  
From setting up an additional income stream (which could go from side hustle to full time self employment), to spending more time outside, there is also the potential to live with extended family if your block is big enough to accommodate everyone. There’s a number of opportunities that could present themselves on a lifestyle property.   
A desire for self-sufficiency   
Many people who move to a lifestyle property are keen to have a more self-sufficient lifestyle, where they have animals and vegetable gardens, and maybe even an off-grid power supply.  
This is where you can set yourself up to grow your own food, have the kids making their own fun outdoors and relying on your own abilities when it comes to problem solving and living each day.    
Staying connected, while ‘remote’  
Depending on the work you do, you may be able to do flexible hours and days with your employer, or work from home full time. Because UFB is available in most corners of New Zealand now, it’s easier to stay in touch with friends and family through reliable and regular phone coverage and communication.  
Having this connectivity makes it not feel so remote from the world - another way you’re getting the best of both worlds.   
Planning for the future  
A move to a lifestyle property might very much be about a long term plan you have for you and your family. 
And as we move into autumn 2023, the price of lifestyle blocks have been dropping across a number of regions - meaning you could make an investment now that may provide future returns. Lifestyle property living will likely never fall out of favour, with more people than ever choosing to live away from cities and towns.  
If you’re curious as to what a lifestyle block could look like for you, reach out to your local PGG Wrightson Real Estate office to check out our latest listings. You never know, the property of your dreams could be waiting for you right now.   

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